Utility services

The unit manages with the Centre for waste collection which is located within the port area.

In the port we have introduced a new modern waste management method which is based on the following principles:

  • separation of waste at the source by type and further processing method,
  • separation of all re-usable waste for recovery (recycling),
  • biological processing of biodegradable waste,
  • minimum depositing of other waste (deposit site).

After a few years of management according to the principles stated above, we have established that less than 20% of total waste is deposited at the deposit site for non-reusable waste.

The following waste is put to good use: wood, stable manure, shavings, metal waste, paper and some types of plastics.

Utility activities cover the following tasks:

  • collection and  transport of waste and acceptance of waste from vessels,
  • composting of biological waste and the sale of compost,
  • mechanised cleaning of streets, handling areas and warehouses,
  • supervision and maintenance of the sewage systems, oil traps and cesspits,
  • washing of containers and vehicles,
  • care for green spaces and clean storages and other areas by the order of Port of Koper.

The company has specific machinery at its disposal which is used for specialized works on request.

  • Mobile compost sieve. 
  • Broom machine for cleaning large areas.

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